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Savory green bean-fennel stew

This green bean and fennel stew contains a burst of bright flavors, from sharp ginger to savory tarragon to the fennel itself. The combination of flavors is a bit unusual in a way that will make you wonder why you don’t eat this more often. This is a great way …

The surprising tarragon cabbage slaw that everyone will love

This is a recipe that’s due to make your greengrocer run out of tarragon. I had the pleasure of hosting some of our other local food bloggers for Katherine’s farewell evening, and this was a surprise hit. It’s only cabbage slaw, but everyone loved it, and at least one person …

Mustard greens salad with marinated pear and fennel

My greens guy must really like me. I mean, given how much I spend at his stand every week, how could he not? One day he went chasing after me as I made my way through the Carmel Market. Admittedly, I’d just paid for a big bag full of vegetables …