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sweet potato


Breaded broccoli-tofu fritters

There was no duplicity involved in serving these broccoli-tofu fritters. My son, who has reached his picky toddler phase, knew that these contained broccoli and tofu, and he ate them anyway. Yup, even I struggle to get my son to eat various vegetables. Maybe it’s a texture thing. Maybe broccoli …

Ravioli with mulukhiya and sweet potato

A decidedly local green has started poking through the mass of exotic mushrooms, Thai eggplants and other cultivated specialties at the Carmel Market -- shoots of mulukhiya, a Middle Eastern specialty somewhat strangely known as Jews' mallow. In some markets around Israel, especially those catering to a more mixed Arab-Jewish …

Orna & Ella’s sweet potato pancakes

I guess I lack holiday spirit. It’s Hanukkah, but I haven’t been able to get in the mood for grease. After making six types of latkes last year, and frying them in more than enough oil to keep a hanukkiyah burning for eight days, I went a different route this …

Latke bonanza, part 2

This Hanukkah, we wound up making more than 7 kilos of latkes. Indeed, the holiday isn't even over yet, but I think I've had enough fried food for oh, say, the next year. Anyway, in the course of these 7+ kilos, we quite refined our latke-making technique, and came out …