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Recipes for Sephardi Passover, Page 15

These foods are kosher for Passover in keeping with Sephardi traditions, and include kitniyot (legumes, rice, etc.). For a list that does not include recipes with kitniyot, please go here.

Chocolate coconut sorbet

UPDATE DECEMBER 2010: This has become one of our favorite homemade ice creams. As with everything that passes through our kitchen, the recipe has been modified over time. Here’s the new version. For about 1 liter ice cream: 1 cup water 3/4 cup cocoa powder 1/2 cup sugar 2 cups …

Orange pomegranate coconut sorbet

I was thinking of calling this a tropical fruit sorbet, but I guess there’s nothing too tropical about pomegranates and oranges, since they both grow locally in our lovely Mediterranean climate. Coconut, however, is another story. I’m finding coconut cream adds a nice texture to my non-dairy, vegan sorbets. In …

Thai tea ice cream

We’re now the proud owners of a brand new ice cream maker, and I decided to try out our new toy by making a flavor you won’t find in any ice cream shop I’ve ever seen — Thai tea ice cream. The results were fabulous.

Lentil vegetable soup

I’m back from my visit to the United States, back to the land of good, cheap vegetables. The first thing I did on the morning after we landed was to visit our neighborhood vegetable shop, the Ibn Gvirol Shook, where they had indeed noticed our absence (it’s nice to be …

Pretty purple salads

Since we eat a lot of salads, and since I purchased many purple vegetables, I’ve been making many salads with purple vegetables. Most don’t really merit their own posts, since they’re not all that complicated, and what you see is what you get. However, they are awfully pretty, so I’m …

Crayon-box vegetables with crispy herbs

Some people think unusually colored vegetables are, well, weird. My purple potatoes got mixed reactions at work tonight — ranging from excitement to politely (yet poorly) veiled disgust. I, for one, like colorful food, especially if all that color is natural. And this vegetable medley mixes all your basic Crayola …

Winter salad with beet, citrus and snow peas

The beet is a nature-made, all-in-one salad: Its big, red-veined leaves provide the leafy base, the roots make for nice, solid chunks and the stems are like a thin, red celery. Once you have your beet, everything else is just decoration.

Tomato salad with purple onion and pepper

Purple food week continues: This is the sister dish to yesterday’s post. Another simple, easy-to-make salad, this time with tomatoes and red-hot — or should I say purple-hot — pepper from the ornamental pepper plant outside our kitchen window.

Soup with purple cauliflower and blue cheddar

This dish truly takes advantage of the colorful vegetables I’m preparing for my purple vegetable week, with my lovely purple cauliflower: a white cauliflower cream soup, spotted with roasted purple florets.