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May 2009, Page 2

Cafe Liz featured on Foodie BlogRoll Finest Foodies Friday

Cafe Liz was picked as one of the five featured blogs in the Foodie BlogRoll‘s May 8 edition of Finest Foodies Friday. Needless to say, I’m honored. So if you’re new here courtesy of Finest Foodies Friday, then welcome to my blog, and here’s a quick introduction (beyond Jenn’s quick …

Pumpkin stew

I made this pumpkin stew because I had a block of pumpkin sitting in my fridge for close to a week, and I didn’t know what to do with it. I bought it out of habit, since all winter long I’d been making pumpkin soup — nearly a batch a …

Spiced noodle rice

This is the kind of dish you could find served as a side at the various Middle-Eastern style “workers’ restaurants” — the places that serve home cooking for the office crowd. I learned the recipe from my roommate Naifeh in Haifa. We would eat it alongside stews, and sometimes just …

Vegetable salad with buttermilk and dates

This is kind of like an Israeli salad bathed in buttermilk. I was inspired by all the creamy salads we had in Hungary, except there they use sour cream, and I prefer buttermilk. And fresh vegetables. The effect is creamy but light.

Creamy fruit dessert with loquats, strawberries and cream cheese

Spring fruits make great desserts, and I’m not just talking fruit salad. Have you ever noticed how fruit salads tend to contain mostly fruits you don’t like as much? Anyway, this isn’t a fruit salad. It’s strawberries and loquats topped with an aromatic vanilla sour cream. The sour cream topping …